Where do you want to be on Wednesday? We want to be winding down Westridge blasting off the hits. What can you expect when you arrive?
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It’s Westridge Wednesday…
Bear Valley Ski and Board 909-878-3280
Big Bear Ski and Snowbaord Rentals
Where do you want to be on Wednesday? We want to be winding down Westridge blasting off the hits. What can you expect when you arrive?
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It’s Westridge Wednesday…
The last day of 2013 is upon us and what could be better than spending it shredding the slopes! Thanks to some much needed snowmaking weather and our state of the art snowmaking system the conditions are super fun right now with a 12-24″ base and good coverage. Tired of doing the same thing and going to the same old parties every year?
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Make the Last Day of 2013 a Good One
Enjoy another beautiful day at Snow Summit with sunny skies and excellent snow coverage! Both Snow Summit and Bear Mountain are 100{86a76636585b48f02440ccb40b57522402481bd6218148effe1f42093324df81} open with 26 available lifts, 55 runs and 438 skiable acres. Park Staff has also made a few new changes to Westridge, including two skill builder boxes and a mini bank halfpipe at the top of Chair 2.
We received 7-9 inches of fresh snow yesterday and a dusting overnight. Add good snowmaking and everyone’s favorite lift, and we’re in for a super fun Friday! Chair 9 opens today accessing Upper Park Run and Upper Expressway! Chair 1 accessing Expressway, The Gulch and Lower Park Run is also open as well as Chair 7 accessing Inspiration Run for beginners
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New Snow and a New Chair
Bear Mountain lift tickets are sold out today however first time beginners can still purchase lessons. We recommend reserving lift tickets online to guarantee your spot on the mountain
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Lift Ticket Availability
Indulge this Thanksgiving! Enjoy that turkey dinner, yummy side dishes and desert too! Then come ski and snowboard with us to burn off those extra calories and have fun doing it. The snow coverage is very good, the depth is 1 to 2 feet and we have 5 lifts available today accessing Miracle Mile top-to bottom, upper Summit run, Bear Botttom beginner area, upper Westridge, ZZYZX and Ego Trip. Park run is open at Bear Mountain with 41 terrain features
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Thanksgiving Holiday On The Snow