Check out the new Sunday In The Park episode 14 if you haven’t already. Featuring Chris Bradshaw, Johnny Miller, Brandon Hobush, Jordan Small, Big Mike, and Scott Stevens.
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Sunday In The Park & Intermediate to Advanced Terrain Only
Bear Valley Ski and Board 909-878-3280
Big Bear Ski and Snowbaord Rentals
Check out the new Sunday In The Park episode 14 if you haven’t already. Featuring Chris Bradshaw, Johnny Miller, Brandon Hobush, Jordan Small, Big Mike, and Scott Stevens.
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Sunday In The Park & Intermediate to Advanced Terrain Only
We still have over 100 features still up in the park! Yes, spring is upon us but that doesn’t mean you can’t ride the white wave aka snow. Send it up the hill today to get some spring time shredding in with midweek lift ticket prices.
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Plenty of Features
Suns out buns out, suns out guns out, however you like to say it, the sun is out which makes it a perfect day to have some fun on the slopes! Have a nice refreshing drink at the Slopeside Pub, why…because it’s the weekend. If you have a season pass to another resort that has closed for the season, bring your season pass from that resort to Guest Services and you will receive 50{86a76636585b48f02440ccb40b57522402481bd6218148effe1f42093324df81} off a lift ticket for that day! This lets you spend the money you saved on a lift ticket to treat yourself at the Slopeside Pub. It’s all making sense, so we better be seeing you today out on the slopes!
The rest is here:
Suns Out
Now effective, both Snow Summit and Bear Mountain will be open from 9am-4pm Monday-Fridays and 8:30am-4pm on weekends. We are also lowering our prices for this upcoming weekend to the mid-week rate! That’s a savings of up to $15! At this time we have not set a closing date for the 2013-2014 winter season
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New Lift Hours
Did the resort you normally ride at close or are their conditions ridiculous?
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Trans Am
Midweek riding is the BEST. There are no lines standing between you and unlimited laps on the snow. Better yet… you can ski for the rest of the season for FREE.
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Ski For Free?
This Monday when everyone you know is sitting in their offices or classrooms YOU could be skiing or snowboarding! Think about how jealous you’ll make them when you post a selfie from the chair lift or Miracle Mile. Midweek riding is the BEST.
Make Snow Summit Yours!