You have seen the pictures in magazines and on websites, you have seen the footage in edits and videos, but have you seen it in person?
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The Launch 2013
Bear Valley Ski and Board 909-878-3280
Big Bear Ski and Snowbaord Rentals
You have seen the pictures in magazines and on websites, you have seen the footage in edits and videos, but have you seen it in person?
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The Launch 2013
The weekend may be over but the party at Bear isn’t! At Bear you can come get a full mountain experience plus enjoy a world class terrain park in a days journey.
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Monday Mornings Outlook
The biggest ski event on the West Coast and the biggest rail jam in the world has come to an end. Day two of the competition went off! Every competitor from day one stepped it up to shred the intimidatingly huge course with top notch professional skiers such as LJ Sternio, Sean Jordan, Clayton Vila, and mud more! The top 15 squared off in finals for what was an epic throw down of insane skiers. At the end of the day the three big winners were 3rd place Dale Talkington, 2nd place Pat Goodnough, but the man on top of the day was LJ Sterino! His huge double corks, cork 810′s, and other effortless rail maneuvers landed him on top of the podium.
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War Of Rails Results
With the recent snowfall and cooling trend, Bear Mountain is now 100{86a76636585b48f02440ccb40b57522402481bd6218148effe1f42093324df81} open with excellent coverage! Making for the best conditions of the season! So Cal’s Only Superpipe opened this week so if you’re heading up be sure to check it out. We have feature changes coming this week to an already fully loaded park! The Analog UFO has been moved up on to the hill, as well as the Bat-Wing and the Wedding Cake features being added to the gulch. The Street Scene and Red Bull Plaza are a dream come to for the urban style riders out there
Bear Mountain is 100{86a76636585b48f02440ccb40b57522402481bd6218148effe1f42093324df81} Open!
With the recent snowfall and cooling trend, Bear Mountain is now 100{86a76636585b48f02440ccb40b57522402481bd6218148effe1f42093324df81} open with excellent coverage! Making for the best conditions of the season! The Wedge & So Cal’s Only Superpipe opened yesterday so if you’re heading up be sure to check those out. We have feature changes coming this week to an already fully loaded park! The Analog UFO has been moved up on to the hill, as well as the Bat-Wing and the Wedding Cake features being added to the gulch
Continued here:
We Are 100{86a76636585b48f02440ccb40b57522402481bd6218148effe1f42093324df81} Open!
Yesterday, Bear Mountain Analog held the 4th annual Design Unlikely Features contest. Where they allow you to let your imagination run wild and turn it into reality. After tons of entries and all sorts of feature ideas Analog sits down with our Park Staff and make one lucky persons entry come alive! With all sorts of crazy Analog features plus this years addition the set-up was spectacular! The groms and ladies took to the features first setting the bar high! There were little guys hitting rails taller then themselves and girls sending it bigger then most the boys! Steven Sullivan took home the win for the groms while Melissa Spillman took top honors for the ladies
See the original post here:
Analog D.U.F. 4!
We receieved 10-12 inches of snowfall the past few days and have been making snow around the clock. The park is getting fueled up and now has 10 snow features and 31 jibs! Chair 9 is open with features from top-to-bottom including a two down bar jib-line, top jump, the Dog-House and more! Chair 1 accessing Expressway, The Gulch and Lower Park Run is also open as well as Chairs 6 & 7 serving Inspiration Run and lowere Easy Street are open and the Moving Carpet is open for first timers.
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Fresh Snow Fresh Features
Yep, Opening Day is tomorrow my friends! We can finally put the summer behind us and prepare ourselves for the best season our lives! We’re up here feeling like a bunch of little kids on Christmas Eve; just waiting for the clock to strike the A.M.