Due to weather we are not open today, tomorrow looks good…

Extreme Winds
Due to extremely strong winds Bear mountain will be CLOSED today. We plan to re-open tomorrow during regular business hours.
Visit link:
Extreme Winds
Upcoming Events
The season isn’t over here at Bear Mountain! We’ve still got generally good coverage, an 8″-18″ snow base and terrain & features for everyone! This weekend on March 22nd we’ve got the Bear Brew Fest where you can taste 11 different types of craft beer. You can get six 4 oz. tastings for $9.25.
Here is the original post:
Upcoming Events
Trans Am
Did the resort you normally ride at close or are their conditions ridiculous?
See the rest here:
Trans Am
Honor Our Heroes
Let’s honor our heroes and by doing so Bear Mountain is offering Uniform Days. If you are an EMS, Active Military, Firefighter or Law Enforcement come join us today and tomorrow, March 5th and 6th for Uniform Days. This special offer is to show our appreciation and support for your hard work
The rest is here:
Honor Our Heroes
War of Rails & Fresh Snow!
We have received 9″ of fresh snow over night and it’s still coming down! This is the best storm we’ve had all season. It may take a little extra time traveling to the mountains today but it will be more than worth it! Don’t forget your tire chains, they are required on all vehicles except those with 4wd and awd with snow tires on highways 18 and 38.
See the original post here:
War of Rails & Fresh Snow!
Winter Weather on its Way?

**Snow Summit will be closed for today due to weather, Snow Summit plans to re-open tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.