A high of 60 degrees is in the forecast today for Big Bear.
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Marvelous Monday
Bear Valley Ski and Board 909-878-3280
Big Bear Ski and Snowbaord Rentals
A high of 60 degrees is in the forecast today for Big Bear.
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Marvelous Monday
Morning folks! Happy Saturday to all our weekend warriors out there. It’s time to forget about everything and just loose yourself in the great snow, great conditions, and great times; but this shouldn’t be a tough challenge with a high of 51 degrees and our excellent snow conditions
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Saturday Outlook
Another fast moving snow storm is heading our way bringing possibly 3-5 or more inches of fresh snow. The weather forecast shows sunny skies returning tomorrow and a chance of light snowfall on Wednesday. All of your favorite runs are open at Bear Mountain including Park Run, Geronimo and Exhibition
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Think Snow
Happy Presidents’ Day! Not only did they establish our country, but they gave us an extra day this weekend to enjoy these excellent mid-winter conditions! And boy are the conditions good. We have had a solid season thanks to our state of the art snowmaking equipment, but mother nature decided to hook us up with some of the natural stuff last week. Perfect timing on her part! Granted, we would have appreciated a few more visits, but we can’t complain about 19 inches of snow last week and a bluebird weekend
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Extended Weekend!
Yup that’s right we have 14 inches of fresh powder this morning! Snowmaking has been underway nearly every night this week but we know how much you guys love the fresh stuff so now’s the time to get up here for freshies.
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Pow Shots for Everyone
We have a big day for you today! First thing you need to do is get up there early and get some cruisers in on the fresh corduroy. Once you got your feet under you and your fix fulfilled, check out the Never Summer tent down at base camp.
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Big Day at Bear!
With such amazing weather and excellent snow coverage you’re definitely going to have a good time in The People’s Park.
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Mac Miller this Weekend
Conditions have been great the past few days, and now today’s forecast calls for a chance of SNOW later this afternoon with a high of 44.
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Tuesday on the Snow